Saturday, November 11, 2006

Unwitting Commenter Slight by UnderTechno Gal

Alert, alert! Somehow my comments were not all coming to me or more likely I have been a doofus. Now they are all here and many apologies to folks who commented. I am truly back and happy to be reading some of my fave writers again. Rugelah's gotta get on the computer right now, but I shall be posting and reading. Best update: on to new job, marriage is crap, my son seems better but it's a long haul, Rugelah is just peachy. I continue to be what some may think is a 'mental case' (a compliment, really), but what I know is utterly insightful and with a better haircut this week. (Grammar I forsake thee.) Ego on the mend.


  1. Anonymous8:55 PM

    WHEW!!! I was beginning to ponder whether I should take the un-publication of my comments personally in any way. Ego on the mend.

  2. I briefly changed my settings when a verbally abusive guy posted on here. Now I gotta change them so that comments just show. First, off to get tangles out of Rugelah's hair.
