Second: Lou came out of the office to tell me I am going to be teaching writing for an hour a day! I almost pissed my pants, but that might have seemed less-than-dainty. He was all happy for me and smiling and I was saying writing!? Gotcha, you bastard, I thought. Finally, I had scored a piece of my job back. I will be working with two people I really like, one of whom is a man, so clearly Lou is not worried about me as a sexual predator. How utterly awful to have even written that, especially since I have had the sexual prey experience. Back to happiness mode: the plan is for the students to write a research paper, or research and write a paper, whatever order you wanna put it in. And my job is to plan the projects with my colleagues, create the rubrics, and teach the kiddos how to write a paper. I really am a word nerd.
Third: When I received the schedule with my name on it, it said writing in big letters. It was an advertisement for Lucy Teaches Writing. How utterly lovely. I considered framing it, but that seemed a bit grand. Lots of people teach writing and they do not get as worked u

Fourth: Today, Opie (for whom I confess to feeling a smidge of compassion) came to my classroom to ask about something. I was just walking out of the room. As Opie approached, Lou popped out of his next-door office! Opie began to stammer, and say it's no big deal typa-stuff. How convenient. How many people seek out someone who is harassing them? Well, people don't! So there. An answer to my blog. And I thought there wasn't a God. Clearly, she exists, she believes in karma, or she understands what it is to be petty and immature. I like her. Today.
Regarding the compassion, Opie is so disorganized, and also I am an idiot, since he could have cost me my job. The whole point is that I can't stand him and he messed with my integrity, or something. It's hard to be all all-or-nothing, even though I 'go there' a lot. The guy is anxious, and young, and stupid. Plus, if I am going to believe in a goddess today, one who helped me get back at him, I need to love thy enemy, or some shit like that.