Thursday, November 09, 2006

Responsibility Overload and Other Amusements

Didja ever have a job interview the next day and you think you would really like the job so you go out and get Spanish tapes to review your "proficient" Spanish and you practice interviewing in the car, and you research the school, and then you get to a point at which you think, oh crap, I think I need to watch television? Not Spanish-language television, just the usual models-on-parade that's on there. I am newly addicted to Gray's Anatomy which makes me out-of-synch with the rest of the culture, who all seem to be watching Howie Mandel's goddawful soul patch. So I watched an episode of Gray's Anatomy on this here computer, but this computer is getting old and right in the middle, well, that was it. So now I am stuck wondering about who is mad at who and whether the surgeon guy will get caught not using his injured hand and relying on his manipulating resident girlfriend to do the stuff he can no longer do.

Notice that this precludes much thought about teaching Language Arts to middle school students from Spanish-speaking families. It's one too many variables. What am I wearing? What am I saying? How do I get there? Have I notified all references? Did I feed the dog? Too much.

With these questions in mind, I made an edible and nutritious dinner for Thing One and Thing Two. We had protein shakes for sort-of-dessert. Love that Trader Joe's. Why do bloggers link so much? Was I supposed to learn about computers at some point? Am I supposed to link to Trader Joe's? That would be like an ad, really, and I have no interest. Plus I did some laundry, played a duet on the piano - I played only one part - and pet the dog. Petted the dog? Apparently I did everything possible to emulate motherly middle class traditions and avoid other responsibilities.

Maybe I genuinely want to be proud that I bought cole-slaw cuttings to make the salad crunchy? Or maybe I realized that I had prepared enough for a first interview and now I can relax? I still have time this evening to review what I need to do and make other preparations...or, perhaps, my computer will somehow work later and I'll be able to watch the show. Yes.


  1. I hope that your interview went well, and that your son is doing better.

  2. Thanks. I have been appreciating your blog and wanting to write more about depression, cycling, and anxiety. You are definitely inspiring me.

    Plus have you and Spotted heard about how intelligent elephants are and new research about their mental health as a result of human intervention? I'll find link later.
