I love
Grey's Anatomy. I love it like candy: it has everything good, even though somehow it seems like it's really trash. It's not the Hot Doctors - okay, they're an extra bit of syrup - and it's not the gri

t of surgery (oh please). It's the way everything folds over onto everything else, all narrated by Ellen
Pompeo's soothing voice. It's as if doctors are excellent people. They're flawed, but just a teeny-tiny bit. And
they care so much.
I was at my
psycho-pharmacologist's office in
December, telling him how utterly sad I'd been. I'd met Dr. Big Guy before, and he seemed an
unusually bright fellow, and all up on new research and drug interactions. He 's the type of person who always socializes in couples - straight couples, of course - and manages to be a semi-involved dad. Not that I'd
stereotyped him completely: I still wasn't sure whether he had played football or soccer. I'm thinking football now.
Back to the December visit. I was almost ten minutes late (usually he's about twenty), and on

my way in, Big Guy told me that he had to leave at exactly five. Fine, twenty minutes was good. But then, then, he didn't make very good eye contact. He interrupted me a coupla times to tell me how I would finish my thought (he was wrong). And he answered his cell! Phone! To tell his wife that he would be on time! As my grandfather would have said, "
Oy-a zuchen-ves-amiyir." Finally, when he flubbed something else, I said "you re

ally are distracted today, aren't you?" He
didn't answer.
But that's only because he is not starring in the above-mentioned
Grey's Anatomy. George is really the best. He is so little-boy cute, so earnest and sincere. Of course Meredith is lovely, also, (Ellen
Pompeo), and The Chief. Now I realize tomorrow night is the season finale so this is all rather predictable of me.
Still, if you are ever the mother of a teenager whose cousin gave him a laptop, and you are on school vacation, be sure to watch old episodes from years ago - to catch up on all you missed - while looking at old letters and lying in the sunny spot of your bed, watching the dog do the same on the floor (the sun bit, not the t.v. show). If you are truly wanting to have an excellent time,

listen to
Elf Power simultaneously, or intermittently. Elf Power? Next post, I suppose.