Monday, June 05, 2006

Calling David Lynch

Hard to manage the fact that ex-shrink emailed me, among other "colleagues and friends" to encourage me to spend even more money at his office, but now on "body work." I love it when men write me about body work. I am not a goddamn car. It makes me feel like I'm getting an ivy-league, or new-age catcall. Body work! Holy shit. I'd like to give him some body work, and at women's college we referred to that as "castration with a dull spoon." I'd definitely hire out for that job.

I might be more charitable had it been an error. But no. When I wrote to say, er, doctor, take me off your list, and by the way, you arse, I am not your friend, Dr. Creepo's response was similarly icky. No apology. No pretense that he spammed in error.

Shrinks do not contact ex-patients for business. Yikes. Yuck. Shrinks do not contact ex-patients. Shrinks do not contact patients unless they need to change an appointment or there is a crisis, and they are checking in. Call me old-fashioned, but for crissake, Dr. Fuckup, don't call me.

After taking in the implications of my stern, formerly traditional headshrinker becoming a dirty old man, I contacted our on-again, off-again marriage counselor, who is absolutely brilliant, and who I do trust. Nary a boundary crossed, ever; not a defensive statement ever made. Let's call him Dude. This guy could mediate between two rabid dogs, or even Ball & Chain & me. He completely confirmed that Creepo had been Creepy. I was wondering about my ethical obligations, and we discussed that as well.

I am getting that dread feeling in my gut so this may just be part one. I never liked that David Lynch guy who did Twin Peaks, and I don't like world-famous doctors who violate ethical standards and show me their whole goddamn email list in the process.

Oy vesmir, oy gevalt.


  1. He is gross and disturbing. You should report him to the state medical board. Not that anything will happen to him. Doctors can basically do a number of wretched things before the AMA gets off their ass and actually does something. Evil profession. I volunteer for the castrating with dull spoon job.

  2. Hi there - I just discovered your blog and am hooked! Would you mind if I add a link to yours from mine?

  3. Had a creepy shrink that I tossed this past winter... Was also old and wonder why, being that I am so passionate...that I had never had an affair? wink.. How freaking irresponcible is that? How many more problems would that create? And like I would have one with a pudgy little old man like him? Yes, I am agreeing evil profession all the way around. To easy to mess people up without getting caught.
