Sunday, January 22, 2006

I'll Just Write Here By Myself.

The fact that very few people read my blog does not bother me at all. I am forty-one years old; I watched Mary Tyler Moore before Nick at Nite was born. I don't mind looking at the statistics that show me that 3 people looked at my blog. It's like being the second-to-last kid picked for the volleyball game. Okay, it was last. But it was a quirk - I had friends, just not friends on that particular team, and I had never played before. I like being oblivious to the opinions of others. It's like receiving rejections in the mail. When I get one, I tell myself "Lucy, this proves that you are confident. Who cares what some snotty literary magazine thinks of your story?" Then I walk around wondering why I didn't get an MFA in Creative Writing after college.

The blog thing is really just a hobby and if people read it, that's cool. If people don't read it, that's okay, too. If a blog takes up space on the web and no one reads it, is it still a piece of writing? My philosophical side says yes, of course. I wouldn't want too many readers anyway because that would be such a fucking awful hassle to think that I might have to respond to them. Or check their blogs all the time - yikes. Then I would have to notice the many very active intelligent bloggers out there. (A friend told me about them.) How could I possibly do that? It would be so draining to have an ongoing correspondence with persons who enjoy my writing. So I'll continue to type into my robot/computer because it doesn't matter to me at all if you read this. Or this. In fact, I am not even awake right now. I am sleepwriting. See you in my dreams, or maybe not.


  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    keep blogging, Em! I tried to leave a comment before but it never went through, the gist of it being -- in response to your hilarious obsession with hirsutism -- that I was captured on television (being interviewed on Good morning America during the '04 election, no less) with a fine halo of peachy ... fur all over my face. There's no other way to describe it. FUR. i had previously thought my face rather smooth and creamy-skinned and, well, just plain peachy (minus the fuzz.) My face has never been a particular source of stress/revulsion to me; I reserve that level of self-loathing strictly for the below the neck regions! And then I saw myself on f-ing national tv, under that brutal lighting, looking like some kind of northern european female Sasquatch creature. It does beg the question: do katie couric and diane sawyer wax their entire faces??? Or are we (you and me, I'm afraid) just total 'outliers' as they say in statistics class. Would love to know. Meanwhile, keep blogging!

  2. Yo, I'm here! (I also tried to leave a comment before, but Blogger was down.)(And can I just say that I always get the most bizarre words for word verification: this one is "dbutt.")

  3. Riki

    You dog, you! Exposing Katie Couric like that. Of course she waxes her face. She's actually a man. No woman really has that much money! Nevertheless, if you truly are a female Sasquatch creature, be proud! Perhaps you could beat up some of my least favorite people. Ooh, just joking!

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Well, I'll also let you know that I'm out here. Just a random woman who likes your writing and honesty. I came here from Becca's blog, which I found from another, and another...

    (I do seem to be the only Bloglines subscriber to your feed, though.)

  5. Anonymous

    I am just getting hip to the blogger terms so I will have to ask Becca about 'subscribing to my feed.' I think that means you link to me? I haven't done much to hook myself up yet - barely enough time to write!

    Thanks for reading.
