Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Yes, I'm Home

Cowbell came knocking so despite my exhaustion I will report that I am now gainfully employed at a progressive independent school, I haven't had a moment to do much more than eat, sleep, and teach; and Ugly Betty - sorry too tired to link - is not as good this season.

I miss reading my blogs and writing of all sorts. I don't miss correcting papers or arguing with teenage boys who thinking they are smarter than me and in reality may be smarter than me. That's because I do those things a lot. Ball & Chain's substance abuse counseling has been amazing, and he realized that he was self-medicating for years. Some of the flaws I'd accepted since 1990 just aren't there anymore.

I'm so middle-aged: my feet hurt, my back hurts, I've gained a little weight and I don't give a shit, my hands are purply-veiny and I don't give a shit, and I am utterly baffled by the notion of doing things like cooking after work. I wear under-eye cover-up every day as well as some lipstick. I met some cool people at work and I thought wow everyone's great. But on second thought I'm like, not really. Also, again, I don't give a shit.

I hafta stop writing because I am so goddamn tired. How pathetic. Within 10 minutes I'll be asleep, responsibly supervising my kids, in my dreams.


  1. I hear you. I've been feeling kind of don'tgiveashitty myself. I think it's the weather. Which means I'll be feeling this way until May. And I don't really give a shit.

    Hey, congrats on the job - that is wonderful. Details after you're not so tired.

  2. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Miss you, sister. Hope you're feeling a little less tired ...

  3. Your blog rocks. Adding it to my blogroll.

  4. Thanks, Lashawna.
