Monday, November 13, 2006

Speed Blog

I gotta get ready for an interview so I cuddled with Rugelah and tried to figure out how Thing One is doing, called my sister and my Mama to check on how they are (grieving still in the forefront many days), picked out clothes for Rugelah which I do not usually do but I have been lately since she's blue and a little tlc never hurt, and then I checked my email. Friend of friend sent info about job for which I have interview today and so I emailed her friend about the school because she's familiar with it and now I hafta figure out how to make copies of references when I forgot to get new cartridge for printer. Like duh.

I looked at the clock and thought okay I will take ten minutes to write and in truth I did read a profile of Will Ferrell in the New York Times magazine this morning and it was somewhat disarming to read about his normal life leading to mega-success in comedy. John Belushi he is not. Nor Margaret Cho. His imitation of George W got him a few invitations to The Big House - not prison, the home of W! - and to his credit he refused them. I know this is one of those times I should link, but do I really have time to link? Didja ever wonder what a person with anxiety and a bit of cycling into not-quite-mania could be like before she takes her meds in the morning? And why is the font different? Aha! Ten minutes and I just finished editing. Now that's a writing process.

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