Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Caffeine, Anyone?

How much can one person write in five minutes while she's really wanting to delay going to work and having to give assessments and talk about MCAS and be all orderly on a sunny day when children could be outside smelling the daisies or actually I believe that narcissus have the truly best spiciest smell and this sorta reminds me of the time I sent a slightly drunken email to chrystal as a sociological study to see which was more interesting - the sober email or the drunken one. Results are confidential. Sent out 3 job applications today but have not had time to work on my current story. Just remembered i dreamed tht Glimmer Train rejected another story and that it's such crap when I say a rejection is a sign that I'm a real writer. As far as I can tell I'm a real mother a real friend a real teacher and something of an on and off writer until some legitimate person publishes something more recent because I am victim to mainstream culture which says publish and 2001 is too long ago. can ya tell I'm wound up? Why don't they allow dogs in school, and why why do we have so many clocks and I need more shirts. Edited for spelling only.

P.S. To the hoardes: comments now moderated due to one less-than-friendly person on bizarre vendetta that has nothing to do with me.

1 comment:

  1. As a resident of Portland, the home of GlimmerTrain, may I venture to apologize for your dream? Publishing woes are very terrible and painful and awful & stuff. I try to promote the idea, when I'm coaching writers, that seeing one's name in print in a journal read mostly by the other contributors is an honor of dubious value. If anyone at all is reading what you write and getting something out of it, then you're a writer. If you're getting something out of doing it, then you're a writer. If you're the person who e-mailed me asking about my editing services, insulted me, and then directed me to the website where I could sample a chapter of your self-published vanity press cesspool of a laughable novel which had a character in it named (I shit you not) "Fandango Sullivan," then you are not a writer, you are a delusional crackpot. Clearly you do not fall into this last category, so thumb your nose at GlimmerTrain and keep writing, dear.
