Sunday, March 19, 2006

Abstract Theory on Random Behavior

The Theory: if you have far too much work to do, and your children will be neglected if you do it all, and you will have no time for your own personal needs, never mind your hygeine, and all will go to hell in the proverbial handbasket, you should begin by getting on the computer and looking for a different job. This will solve your problem in two ways. First, and I hate it when people make lists like this and say first so I'm just going to list as many things as I wanna; second, you will think about the future and the possibilities, and your anxiety and frustration in regard to your current job, and its innumerable requirements, will be softened - the anxiety and frustration, that is, because you will be avoiding it; second, or third, if you like, we're not really counting, remember? Fourth, you may actually get a sense of accomplishment because you will find jobs listed where they are waiting for someone exactly like you, no, actually, they are waiting for you, or to be precise, me, personally, to come on over and finally make the dull workplace that they inhabit a well-run and dynamic place to be. I did find several such places and actually wrote a cover letter to one that looks eager to have me, and to pay me perhaps a sizeable fraction of what I make now. Seventh. Eighth, you should be doing the actual work you are avoiding in the first place, you know, and I know, and we both know the other knows, but it would seem so mainstream, so with the crowd.

Where does one find an identity if it is not an anti-identity? I am not just like everyone else. I do not take pride in paperwork, and I am not a concrete fucking sequential thinker, so now let's all stop telling me that I'm 'random abstract' as if that's non-judgmental. Twelve: these terms are related to learning styles and concrete sequential people are organized, together, love lists, sorting, robotic chores, bad literature, and uninspiring art. But I don't judge them. Abstract random persons, such as myself, enjoy typos because sometimes they're funnier than the original text, love a good mess, listen to loud music, and have better fashion sense than any of those organization freaks. We are always better looking, better dancers, and the people with the big ideas. Fifty two. I think I'll stay up late to get my work done.


  1. Unfortunately, I believe I may be concrete sequential, though not being the education type, in that particular way, I don't actually know. Love the numbers. Email me and tell me about the job.

  2. I am you. I practise work avoidance at all costs. This is why God made the internet. I do not make lists because I do not look at them afterward and they clutter up my already cluttered world. Plus I can simply say "i forgot" when I have inevitably failed to do something. Life is too short to be organized. Live each day as it comes because there has never yet been a day that hasn't been. The work will still be there if it fails to get done today.
