Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bad Apples

The aptly named Dick Cheney shot a guy by accident and the guy is in the ICU and it's all so casual because they're hunting chums and this is how our government looks at guns and injury and mistakes and it is all a metaphor for the dead-for-no-reason people in Iraq - and here - who they pretend were part of a war when actually it was all PR after the bombing of the World Trade Center and they didn't know what the hell to do so we have dead people and it is all masked but they are Arab or working class or poor or black so who the hell cares and why even talk about it when we could be shaking hands in the Rose Garden or having meetings at big desks or making more money from someone somewhere? I do not care about the Un-witting Whittington who went a-hunting but I do care about all of the holy places, the buildings, the neighborhoods and the people all over everywhere that our government crushes on a whim without giving us the slightest notion of what's going on and the media hides what the government would like them to hide and if you think this is a conspiracy theory forget it I'm talking about all the dead people who didn't die of old age or accident or disease, as awful as those are, but they died of deliberate Bush/Cheney stupidity, hubris, and criminal behavior. There is no apple pie.

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