Monday, May 01, 2006

Skewering The President, a la Colbert

George W. Bush's people tried to add some levity to a fancy-pants dinner, and although I found Stephen Colbert quite clever, some of the folks there looked less than pleased. It seems I should be visiting more often.


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I LOVED watching Colbert's performance. Absolutely brilliant! My how they squirmed. Notice that Laura Bush did not shake his hand?

    Mighty brass balls on that man. He's my hero.

  2. I love Colbert too! He recently did a marvelous job interviewing/mocking that idiot bitch Caitlin Flanagan (writer for New York magazine who says feminsim ruined things for women and we should all be stay-at-home moms. Not that she is. And she has a nanny and housekeeper.)
